Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Thurgen the Flamebreaker

Still haven't had any serious time to devote to raids, but by chipping away at the daily quests introduced in WoW's 4.2 patch (Firelands), Thurgen was able to earn the Flamebreaker title.

Cataclysm's Veteran of the Molten Front meta-achievement

For now the title is rare enough and sufficiently novel for people to actually whisper me in-game about it. The last time that happened was when the Wrath of the Lich King expansion was still relatively new and I earned the Twilight Vanquisher title when our raid defeated the hardest version of the Sartharion raid encounter. The Flamebreaker title is a lot easier to get and almost all of the achievements can be soloed without difficulty. Only The Fiery Lords of Sethria's Roost achievement required a group, though I tried my damnedest to solo it :)

Cataclysm's goblin starting area

I also gave the Goblin start a go (level 1 to about 13) together with a friend who plays on a Horde server. It's got a very different feel to the Worgen start and is suitably Goblin-quirky. And you get some pimpin' looks early on - that's my new Goblin in the shades in the screenshot above. Both Worgen and Goblin starts are better than even the revamped starts for the other races, and as each should take less than 2 hours, there's every reason for those with Cataclysm to just play both.

Cities in Motion - bus stops outside a metro entrance

Finally, in the wake of the Steam summer sale, I've been trying out a bunch of my new purchases. So far the most interesting are Syberia, a 2002 adventure game that has you starting out in a remote French village whose livelihood depends on the creation of clockwork automatons; and Cities in Motion, a public transport simulation similar to the classic Transport Tycoon but focused on a single city.

Still too early to judge them - more thoughts to come as I get a chance to play some more.

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